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How to get rid of bruises under the eyes?
“Have you not slept today?” It seems to be an innocent question, but he will surely upset any woman who seeks to look good. Makeup, hair, clothes - everything can…

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How to get rid of freckles?

Freckles occur due to the special reaction of the skin to ultraviolet rays. People are more susceptible to this, in the body of which there is not enough melanin. Visually, we can distinguish such people for light or red hair. Their skin is prone to burns, freckles protect the skin, “taking” on themselves the whole blow of the ultraviolet. Subbotina Anna,  Most sunny, freckled girls are not at all happy about such a gift of nature. For them, freckles are a big problem, which gives rise to many complexes and thoughts about their unattractiveness. Prevent the appearance of freckles possible. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to use sunscreen. Do not forget the wide-brimmed hat. This is not only fashionable, but also protects the delicate skin of the face from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. And yet freckles appeared. How to be?
In this article, we will talk about how in the shortest time, with a little effort, you can get rid of freckles. There are many popular recipes, we have chosen the most benign and natural.
1. Ice cubes with parsley. Parsley masks. Infusions. Parsley juice is one of the most common ways to deal with freckles. Rubbing your face with a piece of ice with parsley in the morning, you not only reduce the appearance of freckles, but also maintain the skin tone, clean it, “wipe” a drowsy facial expression. To make a magic piece of ice, you need to chop a bunch of parsley in a blender, then pour the resulting mass with boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain the emulsion obtained in this way, pour it into molds and place in the freezer. Do not forget to use 1−2 dice every morning. The result is not long in coming. The mask is made even easier, apply a lot of chopped parsley on the skin and wash it off with cool water after 10-15 minutes. For different skin types, parsley is mixed with different ingredients: milk – for oily and normal skin, or sour cream – for dry skin. To prepare the parsley lotion, you must pour 100 g of parsley 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark cool place for 2−3 weeks. After straining, use for wiping.
2. Cucumber lotions. Masks. As you know, cucumber is the most popular tool for cleansing the skin from excessive pigmentation. It has excellent whitening qualities. To make a cucumber mask, you must remove a coarse skin from a cucumber, grind it on a grater, or using a blender. Apply gruel to the problem area of ​​the skin for 15−20 minutes. After the procedure, rinse with chilled clean water. Cucumber juice can also be used as a lotion; it also has bleaching properties. In addition, from the cucumber peel can make infusions and apply them instead of running water for washing. To prepare the infusion, the cucumber skin is filled with boiled water, the night is infused. In the morning, filtering, use when washing.
3. Lemon juice. Very effective remedy. As a rule, when freckles apply lotion. Pure lemon juice is applied on cotton sponge and applied to the problem area for 30-60 seconds. Also widely used mask of yeast and lemon juice. To prepare this tool mix 1 tsp. pure lemon juice and 25 g of live pressed yeast. Add 1 tbsp. l milk, then apply to the skin, in 30−40 minutes, rinse with moderately warm water. Another well-known whitening mask is lemon-honey. Take a medium-sized lemon, squeeze the juice, mix with 3 tbsp. l honey, put on a gauze or cloth napkin. Attach to the face. During the procedure, lasting from 20 to 30 minutes, it is necessary to change the napkins several times (3-4 times). This mask is very effective not only in the fight against freckles, but also to give skin tone.
4. Egg white. Egg white mask is recommended to be used several times a week. With regular use, freckles noticeably brighten. The recipe is simple – mix fresh protein 1 chicken eggs and mix with 1 tsp. pure lemon juice. Apply to the skin, after complete drying, wash off the mask using warm water.
5. Bleach berries. Few people know that currants, grapes, watermelon, strawberries also have excellent whitening properties. Crush berries to a mushy state. Liberally cover the skin with berry mass, wash off after 20-30 minutes.
6. Decoction of elecampane. For whitening the skin of the face, the decoction of the roots of deviacil has long been used. For this, 1 tsp. a spoonful of dried roots of elecampane pour a glass of cold water and insist 1 hour. After that, boil for 30 minutes. The resulting emulsion to lubricate the face several times a day, until the complete disappearance of freckles.
7. Melon mask. Melon pulp is boiled in a little water. Gruel is applied for 10−15 minutes. The same properties are inherent in baked pumpkin pulp. Melon seeds can be boiled in water and use this water as a decoction for washing. Before using traditional medicine recipes, be sure to take into account that components such as honey, lemon and berries can be very allergenic.

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