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How to rejuvenate your face in a natural way? 10 facts

Most women, starting at a certain age, think about going to a cosmetologist or even a plastic surgeon. At the same time, the contingent of visitors to beauty salons is getting younger – today, often from a 25-year-old girl, you can hear that she resorted to Botox injections.
We rarely think about why our face is actually aging, and often we are captured by very dangerous errors. For example, blindly believe in the idea that the muscles of the face “sag” with age and therefore they need to be “pumped up” like the muscles of the body. As a result, we ourselves, with our own hands, provide a disservice to the body and thereby accelerate our aging process. What is the “aging face”? A lot of stereotypes prevail over us, which speak of one thing: the face ages, because the skin loses its elasticity property with age due to a decrease in the content of collagen and elastin. Cosmetology, for example, considers aging of the face only in terms of the fading of its outer skin, the skin. The concept of “facial aging” is replaced by the term “skin aging”, but this is not at all the same thing!
Looking at others, we unconsciously read their age. It is impossible to deceive our brain, and it happens that even with perfectly smooth and well-groomed skin of a woman’s face, we clearly understand that we have a lady of respectable years. It is believed that our brain stores more than 100 criteria for assessing a person’s age – gait, stoop, head landing, neck turning amplitude, eyebrows, wrinkles, energy, life experience, etc. When estimating age, our brain responds primarily to change the proportions of the face. The proportions are composed of deep structures of the body that are under the skin. Think about what our skin hides? Under it lies the whole world: bones, muscles, ligaments, internal body fluids (blood and lymph), blood vessels and nerves.
If the posture is disturbed, the muscles are tense and block the normal flow of blood and lymph, the skull is deformed – the bone frame of our face – what kind of facial youth and smooth skin can we talk about ?! Our face is aging, because its biomechanical (ie, musculoskeletal) “construction” is aging (and, first of all, its neck), and this construction is “flooded” with excess fluid (puffiness). The skin in this situation is “guilty without guilt.” It is necessary to create the right conditions (that is, to remove the musculoskeletal blocks and puffiness) as the skin will show wonders of elasticity and tighten! And there is a method of rejuvenation, which allows you to do this in a matter of months, after having looked younger by 10-12 years!
The method of home rejuvenation “Revitonika” offers a physiological approach that allows you to unload the lymph nodes, remove musculoskeletal blocks, clear the garbage dump of mucus and toxins accumulated over the years of life. It is not surprising that this approach allows you to start the process of regeneration and rejuvenation as soon as possible. We will cite only a few facts on which the Revitonika system relies. 1. The secret of the fast effect of rejuvenation according to the Revitonika method: by restoring the balance of the neck muscles, you automatically tighten the lower third of the face!
2. Do you want to preserve youth and beauty of the face – stop slouching! Gravitational ptosis (sagging of tissues under the influence of the force of the earth) is actively manifested only in violation of the static of the spine!
3. The basic postulate of the “Revitonika” method: the muscles are the only organ of the human body capable of self-positioning! Working with muscles through adjusting their balance of tension, we can not only rejuvenate, but also model our face, change its features and shape.
4. Most individuals vary in one of two “types of aging.” The lucky ones with the standard form of the jaw, in which it varies very little, about 7%.
5. Such an aesthetic defect of the face as “flew” is often biomechanically caused by the state of permanent compression of the masticatory muscles.
6. The “Revitonika” method is effective where even plastic surgery is powerless! For example, when it comes to forming a young angle of the lower jaw and restoring the shape of the chin.
7. To preserve the beauty of the face, the most proper sleep is lying on your back. During sleep on the side and on the stomach, we weigh our own head for 8−9 hours and push the “tissue roller” on the border of the eyelid and cheek, disrupting blood circulation in the eye area.
8. “Revitonika” states: the true cause of the appearance of wrinkles is hypertonicity and shortening in the length of the muscle (and not at all the loss of collagen and elastin by the skin, as glossy magazines claim). Accept as an axiom: behind each wrinkle is the culprit of its appearance – a specific muscle that is in hyper tone (chronic tension!). That is, to eliminate wrinkles, muscles need to be relaxed, not toned!
9. Million – so many times we, with facial expressions, collect skin folds in about 50 years of life!
10. “Revitonika” provides a real opportunity to change its “genetic” predisposition to nasolabial folds (in this context, the word “genetic” means “weak link” or a consequence of birth trauma).

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