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What to do if the skin is flaky?

Wind, extreme temperatures, lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiencies, frost and stress traumatize the epidermal cells. Therefore, at the end of winter and early spring, it is very important to think about how to refresh the face and get rid of the peeling of the skin.
The process of peeling the skin is an indicator that the epidermis is cleared of dead cells. At the first sign of this, many girls and women get fatter cream and begin to rub the contents of the jar into the skin with diligence. For these girls and women, I have two news – bad and good. The first is that this method does not help, since with each washing the “glued” dead particles will fall off again, and the second – my article will help you not only to figure out how to deal with this, but also tell you why this happens. How it all happens To begin, let’s understand what the peeling of the skin. In fact, this is a completely natural process: if you study the epidermis under a microscope, you can find that the entire upper layer consists of dead particles that protect the lower layers from the harmful effects of the environment and damage. Our skin is constantly updated, this mechanism is laid by nature. However, it also happens that as a result of some factors (aggressive environment, unhealthy lifestyle), the body does not have time to cope with all the problems that have piled on it, and we find signs of skin peeling. Sometimes this process is accompanied by itching, so it is better to help the epidermis to return to normal.
The main reason for the peeling of the skin – a violation of the lipid barrier of the epidermis. As a rule, this is due to improper skin care. Unknowingly, some girls, especially owners of fatty skin types, actively use alcohol-based lotions and tonics, wash themselves with tap water and neglect special facial care products, which leads to dire consequences. As a result, the amount of ceramide (lipid molecules) is significantly reduced, which leads to problems with cell growth and the aging process. And the skin begins to peel off. Defining the problem However, before solving this problem, let’s clarify, as many confuse the concepts of “dehydrated” and “dry” skin. Dry skin is primarily affected due to a lack of nutrients and grease. But the dehydrated skin can be compared with the endless desert – like cracked soil, which languishes from the lack of moisture. The first problem can be dealt with quite easily, but in the second case it is time to sound the alarm, since the lack of necessary moisture means that the skin is simply not able to hold water, with the result that even a slight negative impact from outside can lead to serious problems. The common myth is that not only dry skin type can suffer from dehydration, but also mixed, normal, and sometimes even fat, with the wrong approach to the methods of grooming the epidermis.
If problems have arisen precisely in the spring, then most likely, the problem is precisely in the dehydration of the upper skin. Recognizing the first signs of dehydration Fighting problems is easiest at the very beginning of their occurrence, so I suggest to get acquainted with the first signs of skin dehydration: If you are the owner of dry or normal skin type (or you have a combined type with dry areas) the tip of the nose, the cheekbones or the corners of the lips. And sometimes a dull skin tone should be a cause for concern. If the skin can be attributed to a fatty type (or combined with fatty zones), then the first stage of dehydration can be easily recognized by overly enlarged pores (more than usual), peeling on the chin and some other areas, grayish skin tone. The person, suffering from a strong lack of moisture, is trying to compensate for it, which is why the sebaceous glands are working more actively, the pores are enlarged, and the skin begins to shine more than usual. If after you have familiarized yourself with the first signs, your suspicions have crept in, then you can do a simple test of dehydration. In the evening, after washing off all makeup, leave your face without night cream or lotion, and in the morning think about the sensations on your face: if you feel skin tightness, you see signs of flaking in the mirror, and wrinkles noticeably deepened, then the test is positive and your skin needs help

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