How is peach oil used in cosmetology?
Cosmetology without the use of essential oils is unthinkable, because the useful natural substances that are contained in them have always been and are the main assistants of beauty and…

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What to do if the skin is flaky?
Wind, extreme temperatures, lack of sunlight, vitamin deficiencies, frost and stress traumatize the epidermal cells. Therefore, at the end of winter and early spring, it is very important to think…

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How to return youth skin? BONATOX - serum with the effect of Botox
In the modern world there is a huge amount of cosmetics that can fight wrinkles, but their effectiveness is not always justified. Therefore, there are brave women who decide on…

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which leads

How to determine the type of skin?

Let’s try to figure out how to determine your skin type. What is it for? I think that the answer to this question will give each of you, without hesitation and unmistakably. Proper care for your skin type is necessary for us so that we can, at a minimum, like ourselves and, naturally, those around us. Continue reading

Face mask: what clay to choose?
I think many women who decide to use clay as a face mask, the question arises, what clay to choose for this purpose. In stores, eyes run away from offers…


What is peeling?
Skin aging is a must. It is impossible to avoid this, but you can try to slow down, since in the 21st century there are a great many ways to…
