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There are people who are lucky, nature has awarded them normal skin. It is very surprising that many of them believe that care for such skin is not required. But…

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Why do I need to clean the face? Beauty Tips

At the moment, face cleansing in the beauty salon is one of the most popular procedures for clients of all ages and skin types. What is a professional face cleaning and what is it for?
This procedure is primarily hygienic skin care, and only the second – aesthetic, that is, improves appearance. Dirty skin can not fully perform very important functions for the body: respiratory, suction, protective, tactile, temperature-controlled. Usually, when the skin is contaminated, its immunity suffers greatly: after all, bacteria live “in the mud”, as in paradise. Untreated skin is prone to rashes in almost 100% of cases. Corks, they are comedones, they are black spots, clog up the sebaceous glands, and this prevents the outflow of sebum, which is a kind of protective lubricant for the skin, protects it from drying out, evaporation of moisture, softens and makes it elastic. How can you deprive her of this?
I would definitely recommend cleaning the skin about once a month. During the procedure, the following occurs: exfoliation of the upper keratinous layers of the skin; removal of blackheads and black spots; skin is cleared of slags and toxins; restored protective mantle of the skin and Ph; stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. After cleansing, the skin begins to breathe better, and this significantly reduces the number of new eels and black dots.
Cosmetic products are well absorbed and reach their destination. The skin looks more young, fresh, attractive. It becomes a pleasant fresh color, gaining a gloss and shine. Proper facial care will ensure the health and beauty of your skin. There are professional products that can be used to prevent and treat various skin problems, as well as after cleansing the face and other cosmetic procedures. Facial cleansing can be of different types, the main of which are mechanical, enzyme, chemical and hardware cleaning.
Ultrasonic, vacuum, galvanic cleaning, enzyme, etc. are hardware cleanups. Different people prefer different types of cleanings. Someone chooses a mechanical (manual), someone hardware. Photo: Depositphotos Hardware cleaning is suitable for those customers who want to look brilliant at any moment of their life. They, as a rule, hardly endure painful sensations and will better come to the cosmetologist more often.
Mechanical cleansing is usually chosen by those who love deeper cleansing of the skin and want to see beauty in themselves, despite the slight reddenings caused by the procedure. The stages of cleaning the face in a beauty salon: Make-up removal. Cleanser + tonic. Pre-cleaning is done using only professional tools. Antiseptic skin treatment. It is performed with the help of pharmacy skin antiseptics, such as hydrogen peroxide 3% or chlorhexidine. Photo: Depositphotos Softening the upper layer of the skin. For this, vaporization is performed, special gels, cold hydrogenation, electroplating, and other are used. Apparatus skin cleaning: borsazh (delicate exfoliation with a rotating brush) or ultrasound. Mechanical cleansing (at the request of customers) is the deepest and most thoroughly cleansing skin cleaning method. Apparatus grinding of the skin with a special smooth rotating pebble, then grinding with a soft pad. Darsonval. Healing physiotherapy after the process of deep cleaning of the skin. This medical device helps the skin to cope with acne due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. Helps to eliminate stagnation on the skin (spots after acne). It has a powerful cauterizing effect on inflamed elements.
Mask by skin type. Most often used professional masks to help remove redness, inflammation and narrow pores. Finish-remedy – creams or emulsions of a non-greasy texture, possessing a powerful sedative and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect. If you plan to be on the street for quite a long time, it makes sense to apply a professional cream that also contains SPF. Photo: Depositphotos Modern cleaning with recent times almost does not bring discomfort (and this is very important for us, modern young ladies), because the skin is treated with special preparations that soothe it as much as possible after cleaning. Professional tools are so effective that from the beauty salon you can even go straight for a date, because the traces of the effects on the skin are minimal. By the way, I would not advise doing a face cleaning at home. But it is quite possible that someone thinks differently …

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