How is peach oil used in cosmetology?
Cosmetology without the use of essential oils is unthinkable, because the useful natural substances that are contained in them have always been and are the main assistants of beauty and…

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What kind of makeup is better to use in the winter?
In winter, our skin is especially sensitive and requires careful care. Therefore, you should learn a set of skin care measures, so that you do not have to take drastic…

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How to determine the type of skin?
Let's try to figure out how to determine your skin type. What is it for? I think that the answer to this question will give each of you, without hesitation…

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Cosmetic clay. What color to choose?

Cosmetic clay is one of the most remarkable phenomena among modern cosmetics. Despite the huge number of new products, it remains in demand. Unique compositions and a long history of using cosmetic clay provide complete care for all skin types. The only question is … What kind of cosmetic clay to prefer? The color range of clay is directly related to its mineral composition. White, green, blue, red, black, gray, blue, yellow and black – among such a variety it is necessary to choose the appropriate type of cosmetic clay in accordance with its properties. White clay has a pronounced antiseptic property, it promptly eliminates pimples, and has a slight skin whitening effect. Therefore, facial masks based on it should be applied to oily and combination skin. White clay noticeably narrows the pores and perfectly eliminates inflammation. Green clay can also often be seen in the composition of cosmetic masks. It has a rejuvenating effect, makes the skin supple, soft and velvety. Green clay quickly neutralizes various inflammations and oily shine on the skin. Blue clay is famous because it moisturizes the skin and effectively smoothes small facial wrinkles. In relation to freckles and age spots, it is able to show its lightening effect. This type of clay is also often used for hair care, because it can help with the appearance of dandruff, strengthens the hair and reduces their loss.
Red clay will show the greatest effectiveness on dry and sensitive skin. It not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin with oxygen, but successfully fights peeling. Hair products based on red clay will help brittle, devoid of gloss hair. Due to its unique composition, yellow clay is able to tone up and eliminate toxins. It will suit the owners of combination skin and greatly improve the condition of oily skin. Its use for face care returns the skin a healthy color, so it will be especially useful for those with dull skin. Pink clay is distinguished by its versatility, it is used for all skin types. With a certain combination of white and red clay get pink, so it is logical that it combines all the useful properties inherent in these two species. It nourishes the skin sufficiently, gives it softness and elasticity. Gray clay is designed to provide sufficient moisture to dry and prone to rash skin. This type of cosmetic clay is most effective in severe peeling. It has antiseptic properties, removes impurities and narrows enlarged pores. Blue clay is distinguished by a pronounced whitening effect. It promotes rapid healing and restoration of the skin. Its effect can be applied to each skin type.
Black clay is optimal for use on normal and oily skin. Removing keratinized skin, it narrows enlarged pores and normalizes metabolic processes. By choosing a suitable type of cosmetic clay, you can easily provide your skin with the necessary care. After all, cosmetic clay continues to be affordable and completely natural cosmetic!

How to properly care for normal skin?
There are people who are lucky, nature has awarded them normal skin. It is very surprising that many of them believe that care for such skin is not required. But…


Cosmetic clay. What color to choose?
Cosmetic clay is one of the most remarkable phenomena among modern cosmetics. Despite the huge number of new products, it remains in demand. Unique compositions and a long history of…
